Net’Léman (the Great Cleaning of the Lake), it’s:
- 119 400 Kilos of collected waste in total
- 1 000 volunteer participants at each edition
- 300 Divers at each edition
Drinkotec had the great pleasure to be one of the sponsors of the 11th edition which took place on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May 2022.
For this edition alone, 3 867 Kilos of waste were recovered by the walkers, divers and paddlers.
The ASL (Association pour la sauvegarde du Léman), at the origin of this action and many others, is a Franco-Swiss association created in 1980.
At each edition Net'Léman commits itself to reach the following objectives1 :
- Raise awareness
- Clean up
- Sort and count
- Change behaviors
- Inform
- Federate
Why is Drinkotec a sponsor of Net'Léman?
At Drinkotec, we design our solutions considering the world we would like to leave to future generations.
Our mission & vision
We believe in a world where the beverage operations impact on environment is drastically reduced. We are proud to have been delivering such promise for years.
And we will not rest tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow.
More value, Less waste.
But thinking about the future is not enough, we have to work now, and that means a strong commitment and participation in actions like this one.
We were among the 1 200 volunteers present at 17 locations around the lake.
Thousands of recyclables (such as PET bottles, cans and glass bottles) and hundreds of kilos of incinerable were recovered on the lakeshore or in the lake.
For detailed results by sector, go to the event page here.
Sources :
[1 https://www.netleman.ch/presentation/
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