For a few years, we have been hearing about SUSTAINABILITY. But what is sustainability?
The website www.myclimate.org gives the following definition:
“The ecological definition of sustainability originated with the Brundtland Report in 1987, which describes sustainable development as one that satisfies the needs of the present without adversely affecting the conditions for future generations.”[1]
"At the September 2015 Sustainable Development Summit in New York, the 193 Member States of the United Nations formally adopted a new sustainable development agenda entitled "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development""[2]
This program is divided into 17 steps described in detail on the UN website, including:
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
The member states of the UN have signed but all sectors of activity are involved in this program. Everywhere, companies, schools, public institutions etc. are committed to a sustainable society.
The Food & Beverage sector is also deeply involved in this effort.
The commitment is real across the entire beverage chain.
A few days ago we told you about a revolutionary innovation in the world of coffee with the creation of the coffee cap, without a cap, entirely compostable. The progress is notable and the communication was up to the event.
Even if not all business players offer such innovative solutions, they are all working hard for a sustainable world.
La semaine passée, les groupes Aramark et Compass ont signé le PCFWC :
“Today [October 19th 2022*], the Pacific Coast Food Waste Commitment (PCFWC) announced that Aramark and Compass Group — two of the country’s leading foodservice companies — have officially committed to the PCFWC’s goal of reducing food waste by 50% along the West Coast of the United States by 2030”[3]
If you take the time to visit the various websites of the sector's players, you will almost always find a page, or at least a section, about the company's commitment.
Some examples among beverage makers:
Coca Cola
Mahou San Miguel
And the same goes for all the players in the market:
Liquid packaging companies such as Liquibox:
Catering service providers such as Aramark:
https://www.aramark.com/environmental-social-governanceCatering Companies such as Compass:
Throughout the world, sustainability week is held every year. In our sector, commitment is at the heart of our actions every day.
Efforts with very clear action plans, a strong attachment to the vision of a sustainable world.
At Drinkotec, this vision has always been ours as well:
“Our mission & vision
We believe in a world where the beverage operations impact on environment is drastically reduced. We are proud to have been delivering such promise for years.
And we will not rest tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow.
More value, Less waste. »[4]
Lets continue to work together for the future.
* Author's note.
[1] https://www.myclimate.org/information/faq/faq-detail/what-is-sustainability/
[2] https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/
[3] https://pacificcoastcollaborative.org/aramark-and-compass-group-commitment/
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