It's game day, the vibe is fantastic, it's hot, the customers are thirsty, the half-time show is coming up and at the refreshment stand... you're not relaxed. You know that, despite all your efforts, your preparation, your good will, it will be complicated.
And what is going on in the heads of the spectators and supporters? In their head the path of their thoughts is as follows:
"Should I go to the refreshment stand and get refreshments?"
A REAL question, because the following thought follows:
- Do I go now or at halftime?
- If I go at half-time it will be too crowded, I will never get my drinks in time
- If I go now, I might miss out on some decisive move
- And perhaps the refreshment stand isn't even open!
These questions and your concerns are legitimate!
The operation of refreshment stands in sports arenas or leisure facilities in general is often chaotic. Few refreshment points, few staff, outdated facilities. [1]
Here is a testimony that we have noted and that sums up the situation well:
"...My testimony is like all the others, it's always the same thing, but here it is:
- 4 beers ordered before the game in the Village: Beers not drawn in advance, and no coins on CHF 50.
- Impossible 1/2 hour before the game to order anything, without waiting for hours at the refreshment stands in the stadium (North Stand).
- A friend who decided to take some beers took 25 minutes to be served just before the game
- Our neighbor left just before halftime to get a drink and came back after 30 minutes, so he had missed the 1st quarter of the 2nd half... "*
The problem is of such magnitude that in Switzerland, France and elsewhere, some clubs have found themselves obliged to make public apologies after some notable failures. [2]
Some supporters' forums are even looking for solutions on their own! [3]
At Drinkotec we have customized solutions for all drinking establishments, including leisure venues and sports arenas.
Let us introduce you to the KEG CHANGER and THE WALL, incredibly effective beer solutions.
Our automatic keg changer is an incredible ally for rush hours. No need to go down to the cellar or cold room when a keg is empty. Connect up to 4 kegs of beer and switch from one to the other when the previous one is empty.
Save time and increase your margins while ensuring a continuous and quality service to your customers!
THE WALL is a self-service beer dispenser.
No need for your customers to wait for the bar to open. Nor to wait in an endless line.
The Wall works as a self-payment system (credit card version or RFID card version). A sufficiently charged RFID card ensures access to the Wall for several events.
Grâce au Wall, offrez de la diversité à votre menu de bière. Un écran peut gérer jusqu’à 2 robinets. Multiplier les installations assure un plus grand rendement pour l’établissement et un vrai choix pour vos consommateurs.
Demandez-nous conseil et nous trouverons LA solution pour intégrer The Wall à votre infrastructure.
Thanks to the Wall, offer diversity to your beer menu. One screen can manage up to 2 taps. Multiplying the installations ensures a greater productivity for the establishment and a real choice for your consumers.
Available as a Kit or to be installed directly on the counter, THE WALL adapts to YOUR infrastructure. Ask us for advice and we will find THE ideal solution for you.
[1] https://enfantsduservette.ch/2018/09/04/stade-de-geneve-la-gabegie-des-buvettes/
[3] http://forum.fcgrenoble.com/viewtopic.php?id=29280
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