This Friday 04 March is the World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development.
At Drinkotec we have always been committed to this.
We proudly repeat "More value, Less waste".
With this slogan, we are not only committed to the reduction of waste in the establishments that trust us, we are working on sustainable solutions and are committed to mitigating the consequences of beverage operations on the environment.
As mentioned by Mrs. Audrey Azoulay (Director General of UNESCO) in her message of March 4 on the occasion of this world day: "Engineering can play a major role in mitigating and adapting to global warming, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...".
Nearly 20,000 plastic bottles are produced every SECOND. Storage solutions are often disastrous for the environment:

At Drinkotec, we are doing everything in our power to limit the use of plastic in drinking establishments. We wrote about this earlier this year on our blog.
The figures speak for themselves, and this for all the so-called "recyclable" waste, beyond the ecological impact there is also a strong economic impact:
"The hidden cost of plastic would be ten times higher than its production
costs, warns the WWF" headlines an article by Novethic.
The article puts forward these alarming figures: "... WWF warns: the real costs of plastic are ten times higher than their production cost. In 2019 alone, the management of plastic over its entire life cycle costs $3.7 trillion. That's almost the GDP of Germany ($3.9 trillion) and far more than France ($2.8 trillion)."
The best waste is the one we don't produce!
We adhere to this philosophy put forward by the ADEME (Agency for the Environment and Energy Management).
Our Research and Development team designs all our solutions with the basic aim of integrating the technology needed to move the market towards an ever more environmentally friendly world.
Our mission and vision
We believe in a world where the impact of beverage operations on the environment is significantly reduced. We've been proud to deliver on this promise for years.
And we won't stop tomorrow, or the day after.
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